Seeing Strategy: Using Strategy Maps to Drive Strategic and Business Planning Decisions

February 25, 2021 (11:00 AM - 11:45 AM) (EST)


Alan Kennedy will use two different strategy maps, the first of a typical retailer and the second of a typical manufacturer, to identify what choices participants in the COPA and CHHMA industries are making to address rapidly changing external factors.

In his book, The Alpha Strategies: Understanding Strategy, Risk, and Values in Any Organization, based on academic research and decades of targeting competitors of clients and analyzing them to see “what makes them tick”, he makes the case that there are 8 strategies common to all organizations, be they for-profit, nonprofit, or public sector. Not only are these 8 strategies common to all organizations, they are configured into a dynamic system that is unique to the organization because of its choices: the Alpha or Dominant Strategy of the organization, which characterizes the organization, in this case, as a retailer or a manufacturer; 3 of the 8 are Influencers, which are the strategies that most guide and constrain the implementation of the Alpha; and the remaining 4 strategies are the Enablers.

Using this approach, he will lead an engaging discussion on what changes, if any, are being made to both individual strategies and to overall strategy configuration.

About the Speaker: Alan Kennedy, BA LLB FCMC

My focus is on teaching and writing on matters of strategy as well as facilitating discussion and communication of strategy, the strategic plan and business plans, using the frameworks described in my book, The Alpha Strategies: Understanding Strategy, Risk, and Values in Any Organization. I founded Gibson Kennedy & Company in 1990. The firm focuses on strategy research and communication. For 25 years, the firm was associated with Kaiser Associates Inc, a major Washington consultancy that focused on competitive research and intelligence. The Alpha Strategies framework came out of the competitive intelligence approach Kaiser brought to bear when studying competitors for major corporations.

There are lots of books telling us how to do strategic planning and business planning. The Alpha Strategies is unique because it offers a simple yet elegant approach on how to read plans to understand what they are trying to say. Most of us will never have to prepare a strategic plan or, maybe even a business plan. But, based on my research, all of us would like a better understanding of what our organization's strategic plan or our boss's business plan is saying and how they are both likely to impact us. The Alpha Strategies gives the reader the ability to figure that out and to instigate some powerful workplace conversations on strategy. 

I have extensive experience working for senior management and boards in for-profit, not-for-profit, and public sector corporations, and have been teaching for the Schulich Executive Education Centre at York University's Schulich School of Business since 1992. I am also a lawyer by training and a Fellow and Honour Roll Member of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants.


This seminar is FREE for COPA members; simply register and the Zoom access info will be emailed to you closer to the event.

Non-member fee: $59.00 + HST per person

Event Contact
Nicole Gamble
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February 25, 2021 (11:00 AM - 11:45 AM) (EST)
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